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Interdisciplinary Games was founded by Silja Klepp and Johanna Barnbeck in order to develop games that systematically support research between different fields and disciplines. COLLAB is the first in a series of games to improve methods and communication in these settings.


Silja Klepp is Professor of Human Geography at Kiel University, interdisciplinary researcher and holder of the UNESCO Chair of Integrated Marine Science. Her research group “Social Dynamics in Coastal and Marine Areas” deals with human-environment relations in the Anthropocene.


In her current research on climate change adaptation, she integrates environmental justice perspectives and critical theories in the study of the social effects of climate change.


Silja’s field research experience includes countries such as Italy, Kiribati, Vanuatu, New Zealand, Libya, Malta, and Zambia. Together with others she founded the transdisciplinary network of environmental justice EnJust. In order to achieve more inclusive and creative ways of making science she works with transdisciplinary approaches and artistic research.


Silja's Website & Twitter


Johanna Barnbeck is an artistic researcher and creative consultant based in Berlin. She applies and teaches creative methods to generate artistic-scientific insights, working at the intersection of art, design, science, and technology.

Her research focuses on self-reflective practices, such as "Categories to Come" on language and sexuality, as well as interdisciplinarity through camera-based feedback methods.


Johanna studied Cultural Analysis and Artistic Research in Amsterdam, where she later carried out research at the Rijksmuseum. Since then, she has led interdisciplinary teams with diverse backgrounds from inside and outside of academia.


Experimenting with science communication has always been a crucial aspect of her projects. This ultimately lead her to found  Spread the Nerd, an agency for innovative science communication.


 Johanna's Website & Twitter


Here you find latest press and more information about Interdisciplinary Games.


»Ärger am Arbeitsplatz – So verhindern Sie Konflikte in Ihrem Team«,

In: Die Welt
12.04.2022, Mareike Knoke

»Kommunikation in Forschungsteams: Spielend leicht zusammenarbeiten«,
In: Deutschlandfunk Zeitfragen
17.02.2022, Katja Hanke

»Interview zur Interdisziplinarität: Interaktive Forschung auf die spielerische Art«,
In: VDI Nachrichten
16.02.2022, Mareike Knoke


»Auf gute Zusammenarbeit! Zwei Forscherinnen haben Brettspiel für besseres Teamwork entwickelt«,
In: Kieler Express
11.09.2021, Sabrina Böhm


»Brettspiel für Forschende. Spielend leicht zusammenarbeiten«
In: unizeit

03.07.2021, CAU Kiel


»Spielend leicht zusammenarbeiten: Kieler Wissenschaftlerin entwickelt Brettspiel COLLAB für interdisziplinäre Forschung«
30.06.2021, CAU Kiel


»Spielend leicht zusammenarbeiten: Kieler Wissenschaftlerin entwickelt Brettspiel COLLAB für interdisziplinäre Forschung«
30.06.2021, IDW online

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